I am always delighted and appreciative when my clients let me know how Bowen Therapy has helped them. Below are some of the testimonial clients have kindly taken the time to write. Please feel free to connect with us to answer any questions you may have on what Bowen can do for you!

Carolynne Doucette, BPhEd

What clients are saying


I was unaware of Bowen Therapy but was recommended to try The Bowen Approach Pain Clinic while waiting for hip replacement surgery.  I was also experiencing Sciatica on the same side as the hip to be replaced.

The pain relief after being treated by Carolynne was amazing and I continued treatments until both hips had been replaced. I do not know how I would have managed so much pain while waiting for the surgeries without Carolynne’s treatments and encouragement.

I continue treatments with Carolynne on a regular basis to maintain good health and a pain free life.

Doreen, Kemptville, Ontario


I was diagnosed with bronchitis. The cough was so severe that it also caused shortness of breath, and spasmodic coughing spells. I was prescribed antibiotics for a period of 4 days, after which my cough was still so deep and spasmodic that two inhalers were ordered. I used both inhalers (one which included a steroid) for 5 days, and while the symptoms responded to this treatment, they did not resolve.

That’s when Bowen came to the rescue! Carolynn showed me two simple Bowen moves, one to open my chest, and one to relax by diaghram in order to ease the spasmodic coughing.

The day I started these moves was the last day I needed to use the inhalers. It was miraculous!! I could actually feel my lungs open up, and the diaghram moves not only helped with the spasms, but relaxed me to the point of falling asleep after having done them.

I am SO GRATEFUL for Bowen, and for Carolynne’s compassionate treatment.

Trish, Kemptville, Ontario


It’s been a journey.


In 2016 I hurt my back, my disc exploded and leaked out crushing 90% of my spinal cord. The surgeon said I should have been in a wheelchair and diapers. 2017 I underwent a micro discectomy. I was left with left leg and foot numbness, barely any sitting tolerance and chronic pain. Through the years I have tried chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy, it’s helped for awhile but never held.


Since receiving Bowen treatments, in a short period of time I have experienced longer sitting tolerance, a dramatic decrease in my chronic pain, and I’m thrilled to report that my toes have started to feel the ground again (there is still some numbness but this is a huge change). I haven’t been able to do the things I used to do with my kids before by back injury, and my kids were so young they don’t remember how strong I was. Im thrilled they can see the change.


I recently took my teenage daughter shopping in Kanata for 4 hours, had dinner and drove each way myself. This would not have been possible before Bowen therapy. Another day,  I drove my daughter to Gatineau by myself … watched her game and drove back from Gatineau to kemptville and shopped then went home. — this blows my mind. I did it and I felt ok. Stiff getting out of the car in Kemptville but once I moved around I was good. Sunday more hockey. We were out from 7-3pm and Monday morning I felt slightly stiff, achy but no pain.


I just wanted to say how grateful I am for trying your services and treatment. It’s changing my life and I am so thankful.


I can’t wait to see how much more I can improve.

Jen B, Kemptville, Ontario


About 5 years ago I wrote a testimonial about my experience with Carolynne and Bowen. To summarize, the main reason I went was because I was having knee pain walking down stairs. As well, one of my fingers was locking painfully and I was scheduled for surgery. Carolynne suggested that Bowen might help avoid the need for surgery and she was right. After a few sessions my finger stopped locking and I cancelled the surgery. A few more sessions and my knees started improving. And a few more after that they were pain free.


Next, Carolynne worked on the shoulder pain I was experiencing due to an old injury. Over the years, some other fingers had started locking and I had some occasional lower back ache. Carolynne resolved all of those issues. And my knees are still pain free.


As I mentioned in my previous testimonial, even when work on a particular problem stopped, the beneficial effects continue. Due to the pandemic and me being in a higher-risk category, I have not had a Bowen session in almost a year and yet I am still pain free. As soon as I get vaccinated, I’m contacting Carolynne for a tuneup. Carolynne and Bowen have certainly worked for me.


Bob D., Kemptville, Ontario


I have been struggling with the lasting effects of post-concussion syndrome (PCS) for the past four years. These symptoms consist of dizziness, nausea, headaches, and brain fog which worsen with stimulus and stress. In the four years following my injury, it has been a challenge for me to find a treatment that has been beneficial to my condition. Carolynne’s work with Bowen treatment has been one of the only therapies that have given me the ability to gain control over the symptoms of PCS. Not only does the treatment help me to resolve the painful symptoms of PCS but I feel more mentally clear, energized, and present following Carolynne’s work. I would recommend Bowen and Carolyne to anyone experiencing PCS to improve the quality of life of those affected by lingering concussion symptoms.

Mackenzie S, Kemptville, Ontario


I met Carolynne Doucette over 5 years ago. A friend recommended The Bowen Therapy. I had a chronic back pain that was interfering with my active life.


I noticed right away a positive change. I enjoyed the relaxing, hands-on, non-aggressive approach that Carolynne was giving me. After a few treatments, my back pain dissipated. The chronic pain returns sometimes, but never at the level that drove me to seek help. And it always goes away again.


When I am on vacation, I will treat myself to a relaxing, or Swedish massage. The experience is enjoyable; however, when it is over, there is very little after effect. The Bowen treatment is more than relaxing. It has healing qualities that make me feel better. I have greater movement in my hip and legs, shoulders and neck. And I feel energized afterwards.


I play golf, entertain, do house and garden work, volunteer, and walk my dog twice daily. An active life-style is what I enjoy. The Bowen Approach is an important part of my wellness program each month.


Thank you Carolynne.


You are very much appreciated!


Elizabeth D., Richmond, Ontario


I sustained a crush injury 13 years ago to my (dominant) right hand which resulted in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, a severe chronic pain condition caused by damage to the central nervous system which caused my nerves to become super hypersensitive over time. Normally a very active person I loved the outdoors, playing golf, hiking, swimming and enjoying other activities I could share with my daughter that I have not being able to continue doing since I cannot use my right hand. Due to the constant burning pain, hypersensitivity to touch and extreme hot/cold temperatures, I have not been able to work, lost friendships, many sleepless nights and poor quality of life. I also experienced neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain on my left side due to overuse of my left arm and hand.

I have had treatment through a pain clinic, physiotherapy, nerve blocks, a spinal cord stimulator implant and countless trials with medication with no relief. When a very dear friend of mine suggested seeing Carolynne for Bowen Therapy I was very skeptical but open to the idea.

I was greeted by a very warm, perceptive and skilled professional in a quiet, calm and relaxed atmosphere. I have been seeing Carolynne since November 2018 and upon receiving the gentle bowen moves I have experienced tingling and cooling sensations throughout my entire body. I seem to have more energy and feel refreshed. The pain in my neck, shoulder and back has subsequently subsided to almost non-existent. The treatments have made me feel better overall, more relaxed and my pain level which has been high on a daily basis has reduced. I have actually felt and heard my body fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle. I have also noticed that fabrics that touch my hand are not as bothersome; whereas before it irritated the area to the point of pain. I seem to be able to do more and not have to worry about being laid up the very next day with pain.

I definitely feel like I am on the right track and very thankful to have met such a wonderful person that I can trust and believe in. I will continue my treatments and am very hopeful that I will continue to have success.

Patricia, Ottawa, Ontario


I’m so glad I knew about Carolynne and the Bowen approach during my pregnancy. My back was so uncomfortable which was making everyday tasks difficult and uncomfortable. I tried many different things to try to improve the pain I was feeling but it was not until I went to see Carolynne that I had lasting relief. My back felt more comfortable at the end of my pregnancy then it did at six months! I would highly recommend the Bowen approach!

Elizabeth F., Kemptville, Ontario


Shortly after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, I became familiar with Bowen therapy. In the last nine months, I have experienced significant improvements in stability, strength and flexibility of my joints and muscles. I consider Bowen therapy an important part of my game plan to slow down the progression of my disease.


Louis M., Perth, Ontario


Anyone with chronic pain should consider trying the Bowen Approach. I tried Physio Therapy but it made me worse. I have had chronic back pain and serious mobility issues for years. When I started Bowen therapy, I was taking four 150 mg of Lyrica and 2.5 mg of Hydromorphine every 3 hours. Sleep was about 3 hours a night and I couldn’t tolerate standing stationary, sitting long or walking any distance before intense hip and leg pain stopped me.

Once bowen therapy began I was able to reduce Lyrica to 1-2 a day and I only took the Hydromorphine occasionally, if I over did it. I haven’t needed any Hyrdromophin for a full month.

It took some time but now I can tolerate standing stationary for 5-10 minutes, sit for about 25 minutes and can walk about 400 feet as well as I can finally climb or decend a single flight of stairs. This is about an 800% increase in mobility and twice as much sleep (now I get about 6 hours sleep a night) as well as a serious reduction in pain medication.

Lee E., Kemptville, Ontario


I was referred to Carolynne at The Bowen Approach after several years of chronic neck pain and muscle twitching that was not helped, and often made worse, by other therapies. I had been through a variety of doctors, diagnoses, and medications, most of which did little except introduce unwelcome side effects. I was at the point that I could not sit at my desk to work for more than an hour or two a day. Since starting my sessions in 2015, I have enjoyed almost total pain relief, and complete cessation of the muscle twitching. I can often go for long stretches without needed any sessions, and then Carolynne deftly works me back in when I feel that I need help again. My desk job is a big contributor to the neck pain, and Carolynne’s work and guidance have enabled me to work full-time again, and return to the leisure activities that I enjoy, like soccer and skiing.

Douglas F., Manotick, Ontario


I just wanted to write to say how grateful our family is for the Bowen treatments our son received! Aaron (The name has been changed for privacy) is a bright, healthy, active 7 year old boy who has been potty-trained since the age of 3. However, he has not been able to stay dry through the night despite our efforts and his own desire. We tried waking him up each night and dragging him to the bathroom to pee, but all that happened was interrupted sleep for the poor boy and he would still wake up with a wet pull-up every morning.

The family doctor said there was nothing we could do and would just have to wait for his body to develop and eventually he would not wet the bed. I’m not a patient person, so this was not sitting well with me. That’s when I attended a health fair and discovered Bowen. I had never heard of it before, but was open to anything that could potentially help my son with his bed-wetting. He was at the age now where he was becoming self-conscious about it and would hide his box of pull-ups when his friends would come over or be terrified about getting invited to sleepovers. It didn’t help that his younger sister also teased him about wearing pull-ups because she didn’t wear them. As soon as I got home I told Aaron that we were going to try Bowen and made an appointment. He was so excited at the thought of this helping even though we didn’t really know what it was or what to expect.

After our first session there was no improvement and Aaron continued to wear his pull-ups. After his second treatment he had a dry night! What a success – this was a huge milestone for him! Then he had a few more intermittent wet and dry nights over the next couple of weeks. After about only 4 or 5 treatments I can say with great pride that Aaron is no longer wearing pull-ups to bed and hasn’t wet the bed in over 2 months! It has truly changed all of our lives and the confidence it has given my son is undeniable! I am so glad I found out about Bowen and so grateful to Carolynne for helping change Aaron’s life! I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone with similar issues.

Side note . . . While my son was getting treatment, I also decided to give Bowen a try for myself to help with my knee pain. In only 3 treatments the pain was, and still is, gone.

Best thing ever!


When I first went to see Carolynne, I was having more frequent and more intense bouts of vertigo, something that I have had off and on for the past 25 years. After a few treatments, the symptoms faded, then disappeared. In fact, I have not experienced any vertigo at all for one year now.


Thank you, Carolynne!


T. W., Merrickville, Ontario


Despite a diagnosis of degenerative discs in my neck and back, over 20 years ago, I consider myself an active, strong person. My nursing career is not as physically demanding as was my creative wedding decorating business. The repetitive, force, and contact stresses were causing musculoskeletal dysfunction and I found that I needed anti-inflammatory meds and chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis to manage painful spasms, especially the ones in my neck.


I was referred to Carolynne by a friend who was suffering after an accident and was managing his pain with her treatments.


What Bowen does is hard to explain. With small, gentle, focused, moves Carolynne causes little “shifts” in my body and leaves me in a quiet space, while ever so slight sensations of coolness and tingles signal a phase of peace and relaxation. (I actually sleep during her sessions, and have caught myself snoring!).


For 4 days following a treatment, I drink plenty of water and gradually realize that there is no tension, spasms or pain. I now treat myself to some Bowen when I have been particularly busy, as in shoveling snow. The fact is I cannot remember taking any pain medication since I started treatment over 2 years ago.


Thanks Carolynne, I am so glad I found you and your Bowen.


Shari M., RN, Ontario


I first heard about Bowenwork from a friend when plagued with sciatica. After several visits to a chiropractor with no progress, I called Carolynne. After four gentle, relaxing treatments not only my sciatica but other minor conditions have been relieved thanks to Bowenwork. It works.

Scott, Iroquois, Ontario


I had an extremely sore hip, as a result of a fall. The pain was so severe that I could not sit. I tried chiropractic treatment, but still had problems. One day, sitting at the doctors office, I read about “The Bowen Approach”. Nothing ventured, nothing gained so I made an appointment with Carolynne. I was amazed that by the 3rd treatment I had a period of 5 days without any pain. By the fourth session I no longer had hip pain. I now go only for maintenance sessions. I most definitely would and have recommended Carolynne to others and they too are delighted to be pain free. Carolynne is an excellent Bowen Practitioner, the well being of her clients are her top priority.


Anne G., Kemptville, Ontario



I first entered into Bowen therapy with Carolynne, without any high expectations for any particular ailment. Having suffered with chronic pain and illness, any relief would have been appreciated. Much to my surprise and gratitude, I had instant relief from chronic sinusitis and the accompanying headaches. This lasted about six months, before another treatment was needed for this ailment.


I have had increasing mobility in my hips and knees, and generally have an improved gait and stance, as well as an increase in energy. I am truly grateful.


Brenda S., Kemptville, Ontario


I was born with cerebral palsy that effects the right side of my body. My right leg turns in and there is a permanent bend in my knee. I have always walked with a limp. Eight years ago, I fell on a paved parking lot and landed badly on my right knee. The quadricep connection to the bottom of the kneecap was damaged on impact and the top connection let go when I tried to stand. The muscle was re-attached surgically.

Following the fall, I got back on my feet through physiotherapy, a walker and canes. My progress continued for about a year and then I had to get used to my reduced mobility.

A friend suggested that I try Bowen therapy after she found that it helped her back problems and I began going to “The Bowen Approach” shortly after. I noticed some improvement after the very first session. When I began Bowen therapy, I walked slowly, with my legs bent and leaning forward. I used a cane for all but the shortest distances. Longer distances, even with a cane, were very challenging. Standing for more than about a minute required a cane.

Now, I walk faster and surer and I stand at near to my full height. I still use a cane when I walk longer distances but the distance that I can walk unassisted is improving. My balance has improved and I can now stand for much longer periods without having to lean on a cane.

I am in the best shape that I have been in since before I fell. The past few years have been among the happiest of my adult life for several reasons, not the least of which is my improved mobility. My life has opened up, possibilities have returned and, though there is still work to be done, I no longer constrain my life with my physical limitations.

Terry R., kemptville, Ontario


After seeing the excellent results from my wife’s treatment with Carolynne, I decided that I should see her because of some annoying issues with my balance, walking and leg & feet pain, as well as limited movement of the neck and shoulders.

After a few sessions, I can truly say that there is definite improvement and amazingly, I have been able to discard a 9mm lift in my left shoe, which I wore for years.

Carolynne has certainly made a difference to my general well-being, and I recommend her care and treatment to anyone with similar circumstances.

Dr. Don G., Kemptville, Ontario


I decided to explore Bowenwork to prepare my palate and jaw for braces I was scheduled to wear. I presented with several issues. One of these was my inability to have direct contact on my left side when biting down. My jaw was angled and there was always a gap.

After sessions with Carolynne, my temperomandibular joint ie. TMJ resolved. I was able to achieve a properly closing bite on the left side which I haven’t experienced in several years. I attribute this correction directly to the Bowenwork.

Thank you Carolynne for your fine skill. I highly recommend The Bowen Approach.

Nadine C.L., Kemptville, Ontario


I had the misfortune to develop, very quickly, for reasons unknown, a very painful problem with my neck whereby any left/right movement beyond about ten degrees was extremely painful.

At 67 yrs. It was, perhaps, a harbinger of my journey into the geriatric realm.

A friend did recommend Carolynne and the Bowen method and although, initially, very skeptical, a recommendation is a recommendation, so off I went.

The treatment itself is extremely gentle and non intrusive to the point that you might question it’s efficacy but work it did. Perhaps I was somewhat of an anomaly but one session did it and three months later it’s all good, must be something to it.

Pete P., Spencerville, Ontario


I had not heard about Bowen until my wife mentioned it. I admit I was skeptical. But doctors couldn’t do anything for my knee pain walking down stairs. And one of my fingers locked painfully when bent and I was scheduled for surgery.

After a few sessions my finger was almost back to normal and I cancelled the surgery. Likewise my knees no longer bothered me. I found that even after work on a particular problem is stopped, the beneficial effects continue. Today my fingers all work as they should and I don’t even think about walking down stairs.

We’re now working on shoulder pain and stiffness caused by an old injury. It’s dramatically improved already.

Thank you Carolynne

Bob D, Kemptville, Ontario


Bowen was first suggested to me as a therapy to help with years of chronic pain and the frustration of the often painful, short lived benefit of other physical therapies. Having endured years of restriction to my daily life because of ongoing pain and the stress of treatment cycles, many of which were too aggressive for my injured body, I was open to a practice which considers the whole body and is non-invasive in its method.


The treatment I have received has drastically reduced my pain and discomfort, as well as increasing my awareness and overall feeling of wellbeing. Carolynne is a very perceptive, skilled practitioner who has made treatment a safe and comfortable environment for me to heal, which I have not found in other therapies. Her Bowen practice is soothing and truly restorative to anyone with physical complaints, both chronic or the result of recent stresses. I cannot place a value on the relief I have found in Bowen treatment, and would recommend Carolynne and her practice to everyone suffering from the myriad conditions Bowen has proved effective in treating.


Sarah B., Oxford Mills, Ontario


I first met Carolynne through North Grenville Business Builders where she demonstrated some simple Bowen Therapy moves and discussed the benefits. I was intrigued as I have used physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture and orthotics as relief from pain associated with long hours at the computer and a leg length discrepancy.

At our first session I was impressed with the in-depth medical questions and professionalism. Carolynne spent time determining where my pain was what I thought the first priority was.

I was AMAZED at the results from just one session where we focussed on my neck. I returned a week later and Carolynne started working on my lower back and hip. Again, the session was calming, relaxing and non-invasive. Who would have thought that such gentle manipulation could bring such results?

I had a total of 6 sessions. Seven weeks have passed and I have not needed to return! I have recommended Bowen Therapy to many people, and am planning on bringing my 91-year-old father to Kemptville from Ottawa for some sessions.

Thanks, Carolynne

Debra G., Spencerville, Ontario

Would you care to share your thoughts on your Bowen treatment experience with others in this space?

Please feel free to send
us your testimonial here:



3 Clothier St E #1
Kemptville, ON KOG 1J0


Tuesday: 1:30 pm – 4 pm
Wednesday: 10:30 am – 4 pm
Thursday: 10:30 am – 4 pm
Friday: 10:30 am – 4 pm